Thanks, we bought this script and it had some bugs from the beginning. Critical ones got fixed by the developer, we will also look into the code to fix such issues like your report ourself, we have the code of the report page. Are you sure you got the email because of your own comment? I accidentally posted my answer twice (clicked the submit button on my phone 2 times), which caused a double post. I deleted one of them. Maybe I caused this „additional email“.
0 Voter
Email dispatch with own answer
I think I found another small bug in your report system. Namely, I get an email about a new reply when I reply to a report myself. So if I submit something, you reply and then I reply again, it tells me there is a new reply to the report, even though I just replied myself.
Greetz SkyfaR

If you are right, a simple „post owner == comment owner: true“ check on the right place in the code to send no email in this case would already fix this.

We have added a check to only send the email if post_author_id != logged_in_session_autor_id, so a email won't be send anymore on comments from autors to their own post.