2 Voters

[Discord] Send streamed Twitch Channel to Bot Description

Hello all,

I would like for a future update that the bot automatically writes the streamed Twitch channel in the user/bot description. Alternatively, perhaps the username in this changes.

As you can see here, it is not yet possible to determine what the bot is currently playing.

Greetz SkyfaR

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team Posted by Crypto90, at 16:35:19 - Jun 2, 2021

You are right. We are going to add this. Thanks for your request.

team Posted by Crypto90, at 23:04:11 - Jun 3, 2021

If no informations are shown in the discord client description, the text the bot tries to display is too long. Discord has a max length of informations in that field which is pretty low. We will add a trim to short too long informations for the client description in the next update.